Hello all, now that the introductions are out of the way, I'm going to start documenting data right away. :) Hopefully I can do this quickly, gotta get to work here soon. I can't find excel on my computer, and I tried a free download, but it didn't seem to work. I'll probably try a little harder once I have some time later tonight.
Ok so, I re posted my auctions around 11pm last night, Tuesdays are my raiding night so I tend to get to the gold farming a little late. From 11pm - 8am I made 3223g 88s 64c. Sold two lowbie transmog items a little over 700g a piece, one dmc for just under 1500g, and lastly a lvl 77-80 necklace for ~225g. This is a rough estimate of what I sold, but pretty accurate.
So far:
Starting gold: 34,623g 06s 61c
End Gold: 37846g 95s 25c
Profit: 3223g 88s 64c
Usually what I do for re post, I'm an automotive tech, so I won't have access to the game during lunch hours (Working on getting a smart phone for mobile app ^_^), but what I try to do is wake up around 7-8am, re post then. So when I come home around 6-7pm, I've probably make 1500-2k+ gold in that ten hour block. Then, I re post at around 7pm to catch the night owls :) rise repeat. 15 mins of real work, for thousands of gold, easy. :)
I've gotten into a bit of a routine, so now it just seems second nature.
Well, I've gotta go get ready for work, See you guys on the grind! Deuces!
The Beatles - Hard Days Night