Hello All, my blogging name is Farce09, my in-game WoW (world of warcraft) farmer is named Gambal, so hence the name Gambal's Gold. I've been playing WoW since near release December 24th, 2004. I was only 14 years old when I started playing the game and I will be 23 here in the next month. I've been playing Blizzard games since I was but mere tot of five years. I played with my brother, who is 9 years older than me, on games like Warcraft 1, rockin' roll racing, lost vikings, starcraft 1, diablo 1, etc. It pretty safe to say that I was raised off Blizzard games, and they hold a place in my life that can never be replace. So there's a little bio for you, maybe a bit sappy, but it's all true and I find it quite awesome! :)
So, I started extremely late in my quest for gold farming. Why? Some of you might ask. Well, I have always been a lore fanatic about the games of blizzard, but now that I've grown older I have noticed my interests have turned to the market economy of the game instead. I enjoy finding those low items and making a hefty profit by reselling them for sometimes 100x what I originally bought them for. I think I get a high off of it, if I can go so far to say.
Of those that I have been following, Wow Profitz is who I started with. I stumbled across his blog after I had been looking for a decent site for the mobile auction live data, and thus far I am extremely impressed with his success as a farmer, his writing & podcast, along with his overall goal for the blog to spread information and make that information attainable for everyone. If that's not a noble goal, I'm not sure what is.
He is also the reason I have been following
So far, I have been able to accumulate an average 2-3k a day, using TSM (TradeSkillMaster) and Undermind Journal
At first, 50% of my auctions were trade goods, but now I am seeing myself picking up more and more 77-80 and 83-84. They sell that well!
Well, there's my introduction, I hope you enjoy my blog as much I do writing it.
-Farce(A.k.a: Gambal)
I like to close with a music vid. :)
Cite: Sting-Fields of Gold